Redbank Medical Centre

At Redbank Medical Centre, we provide a range of health and support services for children and their parents/carers to give every child the best possible start in life.
Some of the bulk billed services we can provide at Redbank Medical Centre include:
Health Assessments
Growth & development
Hearing & vision
Health assessment aims at identifying and growth and developments issues at early stages as early intervention can make huge difference.
For more information:
child health record book given to mother at birth of child advises parents when to see doctor or child health nurse for routine health checks after birth.
Early signs of hearing loss:
speech and language delay
do not respond to his/her name consistently
speaking with a loud voice
a lack of attention to sounds and what is being said
a history of ear infections
does not startle to loud sounds
For more information:
Common childhood illnesses
Respiratory tract infections
Child hood asthma diagnosis and management planning
Food allergies
Gait problems and joint issues
Urinary tract infections .
Childhood behavioural concerns
Screening for Autism,
Sleep issues,
Parents concern about ADHD,
School refusal issues,
Learning disorder screening.
Are you up to date on the latest immunisation information?
The Child Protection Act 1999 requires certain doctors, referred to as ‘mandatory reporters’, to make a report to Child Safety, if they form a reasonable suspicion that a child has suffered, is suffering or is at an unacceptable risk of suffering significant harm caused by physical or sexual abuse, and may not have a parent able and willing to protect them.
Child abuse and neglect
Australian Childhood Foundation – Mums, Dads and Carers
Headspace – Family